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The Price Center will host the students of Lee Coleé Studio’s Spring Showcase May 7 at 2 p.m. The showcase will feature vocalists, actors and dancers in solos, ensembles and scene work. Admission is free, but donations to the Price Center are greatly appreciated. All concession sales will be donated to the Price Center as well.

“We see students in the Center practicing and taking lessons with Lee regularly and it’s great to see all their hard work put on display for others,” explains Clay DeStefano, executive director of the Price Center. “Seeing young people embrace their artistic talents and creativity, and providing opportunities for others to enjoy the arts is a big part of what the Center and healthy living philosophy is about,” he adds.

Opportunities to express oneself creatively abound through monthly porcelain painting, quilting and weekly co-creating meet-ups. Rotating art shows displayed daily in free, public galleries provide cultural enrichment and entertainment. One-off musical performances including these recitals, seasonal theatrical productions and movie showings offer more chances to enjoy the arts while meeting friends and neighbors.

The Price Center has operated a rotating community art gallery since the summer of 2016, and is always welcoming new talent to display. The Center is operated by the Greater San Marcos Area Seniors Association (GSMASA), a 501 (c) 3 non-profit. For more information please stop by 222 W. San Antonio St. Mon. – Fri., 9-5 p.m., or call 512-392-2900 or email us at

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