Eight area artists submitted original designs for consideration to transform the new 8’ picnic tables located in the Price Center’s front garden. The Committee selected Chloe Doyle’s San Marcos River and Lena Golden-Fletcher’s River Turtle as the two finalists. Both winning artists’ designs feature local, river-related imagery and a pleasingly similar color palette.
The 14 submitted designs were as varied as the artists themselves. Some presented concepts for both tables and others submitted single designs. Ultimately, the Arts Committee opted to work with two separate artists and chose designs that worked well together and with the existing permanent art in the space.

“This is the second art installation that combines form and function in our garden,” said Clay DeStefano, executive director. “It’s rewarding we can do both as we learned with the mosaic benches that have become a gathering place for many,” he added.
In addition to having their work on permanent display, Doyl and Golden-Fletcher will receive a cash award of $500 and a $150 materials budget was also provided. Both artists will work on their tables over the next few weeks and the Committee will officially unveil them just before the Oct. 2 Opening Reception for the Price Center’s current art show.
The new art tables join the outdoor permanent art collection in the Price Center’s Garden that includes one of the San Marcos Mermaids, a mosaic triptych on garden benches, a living chair, other sculptural works, chimes, mobiles, and last year’s addition of a giant peacock. More than a dozen original works are peppered throughout the space, complementing and in some cases, mimicking the natural art all around them.
Art isn't the only attraction in the Garden though. Keep San Marcos Beautiful recently designated the space as a Certified Sustainable Habitat. The recognition was based on the variety of native plants, watering techniques, and plenty of pollinating plants and natural habitats for the many birds, insects, and small creatures that frequent the space.
Rotating Art Shows, Pop-Ups, and permanent art installations are created, curated, and conducted by the Price Center Arts Committee and partially funded through gallery show submission fees and commissions from artworks sold during a Price Center show.

For more information about art shows at the Price Center, please call 512-392-2900, stop by the Center at 222 W. San Antonio St., or visit or Facebook @ Price Center & Garden.
Above left: Chloe Doyle's winning San Marcos River design.
Below Right: Lena Golden-Fletcher's winning River Turtle design.