New Call for Art from Price Center Seeks Recycled & Upcycled Works
The newest Call for Art from the Price Center’s Arts Committee is seeking art that focuses on the theme of recycling and reusing an item or items to create a new work of art. Revisions: an Upcycled Exhibit will be on display from May 5 – June 29. The Call is open to all area artists. Interested artists may drop their art off at the Price Center on Tue. and Wed., May 2 and 3 from 10 am. – 5 p.m. All media accepted. A $10 application fee applies ($15 for non-Price Center members), and a 20% commission applies if the work sells.

“The concept for the theme is for artists to make use of something – a used canvas, swapped paint, found objects, otherwise discarded paper, broken pottery, even a recycled idea – to make a new work of art,” said Margaret Adie, Arts Committee member.
The Price Center was recently named the Best of Hays #1 Art Gallery for 2022. Rotating Community Art Shows are created, curated, and coordinated by the Price Center Arts Committee and funded by submission fees and commission from sales. For more information about this and other arts-related activities at the Price Center, please call 512-392-2900, stop by the Center at 222 W. San Antonio St., or visit or Facebook @ Price Center & Garden, or Instagram @smtxpricecenter.