Love is in the Air @ Price Center

A beautiful group quilt created as a Valentine to the Price Center by local quilters Bee Friends and a selection of their Tender Loving Care (TLC) quilts is spreading love throughout the Center now through the end of March.
"All You Need is. . . Hearts" was created in 2017 by the group as a thank you to the Center. Members each took a square and designed their own "Valentine." Bee Friends has a long-standing tradition of making quilts as gifts for their members and others. TLC quilts are given to another member when she is experiencing a severe trauma in her life, such as the loss of a family member or serious illness. To date, the Bee have made and given 16 of these quilts and a six of them are now on display at the Center.

“I wasn't expecting the beautiful gift of a TLC quilt lovingly made by my sister quilters! But after my beloved mother-in-law died last summer after a prolonged struggle with dementia, my friends brought me the most beautiful reminder of Momma as well as of the friendship and care of my quilting buddies, said Maureen Goodnow Sharp. "Every time I see it, I feel the warmth of God's love reaching around me and holding me through the tender, loving care of my friends. I feel truly blessed to be part of this group and look forward to the days when we can sew together again," she added.
Pictured above right, the Valentine quilt hangs in the 1910 Room.
Pictured left, a few of the TLC quilts on display in the stairwell gallery.
“I feel that my Quilt means to me support in difficult times, knowing I have friends to call on if needed and just feeling I am not alone in difficult times. I really treasure my Bee friends," said recipient Jonnie Sargent.
When asked if she woudl part with her quilt for display, another recipient said, “No! I’m using it every day!”
Bee Friends gather to create and connect at the Price Center several times a month. The group has kept connected by Zoom during the COVID crisis.