Lone Star Christmas Carol Promises Treasured Holiday Experience

The Price Center will help bring the familiar holiday Dickens’ classic many know and love to San Marcos this holiday season via a new telling through story and song from husband and wife team Gary and Donna Taylor. Thirteen new songs, written and arranged by Gary, bring a mix of bluegrass, swing, western, country and even a bit of jazz to the tale. A Lone Star Christmas Carol will be presented Sat., Dec. 15 at 7:30 p.m. and again Sun., Dec. 16 at 2:30 on the Ron & Marie Jager Theatre stage in the 1910 Room.
“Lovers of classic Western music are bound to love Gary Taylor’s score,” said Mark Lowry of Theaterjones.com “The music is the heart of this ‘Texas-ized’ version of Dickens’ classic story,” he adds.
The Taylors have performed the show a number of times in different production using larger and smaller accompaniment. This newest, two-show production will feature a four-member ensemble with the Taylors providing the bulk of the vocals in their familiar two-part harmony.

“We’re so pleased to be bringing another affordable, family-friendly holiday experience to downtown San Marcos,” said Clay DeStefano, executive director. “Gary and Donna have performed at a number of local events to great reviews.”
Tickets are available at the Price Center daily for $12 adults; $10 for seniors and young people. Due to length, the performance is not recommended for children under the age of eight due. (An additional $2 will be charged at the door day of show.)

Whether you’re looking for a night out with friends or a way to create a new family tradition, the Center encourages you to take in one of these wonderful performances that promises to keep your toes tapping and bring a smile to your face along with a possible tear to your eye.
This production of A Lone Star Christmas Carol is made possible in part through grant funding from the San Marcos Arts Commission, which provides additional support to a number of the Price Center’s arts and cultural activities such as the Rotating Community Art Galleries, Third Thursday performances, and San Mercado, a new monthly community celebration of local arts, cultures, music and more.
For tickets or more information about Price Center activities, please stop by 222 W. San Antonio St. in Downtown San Marcos, Mon. – Fri., 9-5 p.m., call 512-392-2900 or visit price-center.org