As part of its annual celebration of National Arts Month, the San Marcos Arts Commission awards a number of SMarts Advocacy awards to local individuals and organizations contributing to arts and cultural activities in San Marcos. The group gathered recently to award this year’s slate, including the SMarts Community Advocate Award to the Price Center.
Commissioner Stephanie Symmes recognized the significant role the Center plays in the downtown cultural and performing arts scene when presenting the award. The Center’s willingness to partner with others and incubate/host a variety of free and low-cost activities was also praised. Representatives from the Center, including board chair Dale Kelley and executive director Clay DeStefano accepted the award.
Other individuals recognized with a 2018 SMarts Advocacy Award were: Kevin Huffaker, Artist Award; San Marcos Performing Arts Association, Arts Organization Award; and Carlos “Chita Daniels Kennedy” Molina, Spark Award.
Pictured above (l-r) Dale Kelley, Board Chair; Dianne Wassenich, garden designer and volunteer extraordinaire; Clay DeStefano, executive director; and Margie Villalpando, administrative assistant.
For more information about Price Center activities, please stop by the Price Center, at 222 W. San Antonio St. in Downtown San Marcos, Mon. – Fri., 9-5 p.m., call 512-392-2900 or visit