GSMASA Board Sets New Rates for Price Center Use
The Greater San Marcos Area Seniors Association (GSMASA) Board of Directors approved an increase in facility rental rates and implemented two new discount policies at their Aug. 9 Board Meeting. The new rates, which will take effect Sept. 1, reflect the first increase in any Price Center fees in more than three years. The board also created a standard discount rate for non-profit and/or repeat guests.
“We looked at all the available venues throughout San Marcos and felt our rates were a low for what we were offering, said Dale Kelley, GSMASA Board Chair. “The minor adjustments are still very affordable, but come closer to reflecting the going rates for comparable venues,” he added.
The Price Center is a non-profit community and event center operated by the GSMASA for use by the entire greater San Marcos Community. Over the past few years, the Center has grown its own no-and-low-cost programming -- including arts, cultural and wellness offerings -- which have helped to increase awareness and facility rentals. Increased multi-generational traffic has also helped the financially struggling Center close the gap on its annual operational deficits.
To book a venue or learn more about ways to help the Center, please call 512-392-2900, or stop in at 222 W. San Antonio St., downtown San Marcos.