Sat's 4th Flea Biggest, Most Eclectic Yet
This Saturday’s 4th Flea will feature the largest number and most eclectic mix of vendors so far. The new monthly downtown community market taking place from 9 a.m. – 1 p.m. at the Price Center will offer its sixth consecutive market with a total of 16 confirmed vendors. A wide mix of vendors including everything from live plants and on-the-spot caricatures in the Garden to vendors in the Parlor and historic 1910 Room selling custom baby and toddler clothing, unique lamps made from crystals and minerals, holiday gifts and décor, household items, furniture, clothing, and antique furniture, jewelry and cut glass, essential oils, tamales, handmade quilted and sewn items by members of the Bee Friends Quilting Bee and hand-painted porcelain arts from the River Valley Porcelain Arts Club.
“This is our biggest group of vendors and definitely the most diverse mix of stuff we’ve had yet,” Clay DeStefano Price Center Executive Director.
Remaining 4th Flea booths are available on first come, first served basis for $20 outside and $30 inside. Private and retail vendors are welcome and encouraged. Participants will need to bring their own tents, tables and necessary display equipment. Set up is from 8-9 a.m. the day of sale. Proceeds from booth rentals benefit the Price Center, which is operated by the Greater San Marcos Area Seniors Association (GSMASA), a 501 (c) 3 non-profit.

For more information about the 4th Flea, including reserving booth space, please stop by 222 W. San Antonio St. Mon. – Fri., 9-5 p.m., or call 512-392-2900.